SFBA Book Club

Book Club of the SFBA.social community




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Talk about books, track your reading, and find out what your friends are reading, on your own terms.

BookWyrm is ad-free, anti-corporate, and federated. You can seamlessly follow and interact with users on other BookWyrm instances, and on services like Mastodon.

This Bookwyrm instance is run by the SFBA.social team. Find out more on our community hub.

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Recent Books

Elise Bryant: It's Elementary (Paperback, 2024, Berkley) 5 stars

It's Elementary


A fast-paced, completely delightful new mystery about what happens when parents get a little too involved in their kids' schools, from NAACP Image Award nominee Elise Bryant.

Mavis Miller is not a PTA mom. She has enough on her plate with her feisty seven-year-old daughter, Pearl, an exhausting job at …

Brandon Sanderson: Rhythm of War (2020, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 5 stars

Rhythm of War


The Stormlight Archive saga continues in Rhythm of War, the eagerly awaited sequel to Brandon Sanderson's #1 New York Times bestselling Oathbringer, from an epic fantasy writer at the top of his game.

After forming a coalition of human resistance against the enemy invasion, Dalinar Kholin and his …