SFBA Book Club

Book Club of the SFBA.social community




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BookWyrm is ad-free, anti-corporate, and federated. You can seamlessly follow and interact with users on other BookWyrm instances, and on services like Mastodon.

This Bookwyrm instance is run by the SFBA.social team. Find out more on our community hub.

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Recent Books

Lynn Cahoon, C S E Cooney: A Story to Kill (AudiobookFormat, 2016, Tantor Audio) 3 stars

A Story to Kill

by ,

Former English professor Cat Latimer is back in Colorado, hosting writers' retreats in the big blue Victorian she's inherited, much to her surprise, from none other than her carousing ex-husband. Now it's an authors' getaway, but Cat won't let anyone get away with murder . . . The bed-and-breakfast is …

Lee Child: Personal (EBook, 2014, Delacorte Press) 4 stars



You can leave the army, but the army doesn’t leave you. Not always. Not completely, notes Jack Reacher—and sure enough, the retired military cop is soon pulled back into service. This time, for the State Department and the CIA.

Someone has taken a shot at the president of France in …