SFBA Book Club

Book Club of the SFBA.social community




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This Bookwyrm instance is run by the SFBA.social team. Find out more on our community hub.

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Recent Books

Elise Bryant: It's Elementary (Paperback, 2024, Berkley) 4 stars

It's Elementary


A fast-paced, completely delightful new mystery about what happens when parents get a little too involved in their kids' schools, from NAACP Image Award nominee Elise Bryant.

Mavis Miller is not a PTA mom. She has enough on her plate with her feisty seven-year-old daughter, Pearl, an exhausting job at …

Johanna Taylor: The Ghostkeeper (Paperback, english language, 2024, G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers) 5 stars

The Ghostkeeper


Perfect for fans of everything from Lockwood & Co to The Haunting of Hill House, this gothic graphic novel follows a young medium with the gift—or curse, as some might say—to communicate with the dead.

Dorian Leith can see ghosts. Not only that, he listens to their problems and tries …