SFBA Book Club

Book Club of the SFBA.social community




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Talk about books, track your reading, and find out what your friends are reading, on your own terms.

BookWyrm is ad-free, anti-corporate, and federated. You can seamlessly follow and interact with users on other BookWyrm instances, and on services like Mastodon.

This Bookwyrm instance is run by the SFBA.social team. Find out more on our community hub.

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Recent Books

Gene Zion: The plant sitter. (1959, Harper) 5 stars

The plant sitter.


A boy cares for his neighbors' plants while they go on vacation.

Barbara Ross: Steamed Open (AudiobookFormat, Tantor Audio) 5 stars

Steamed Open


It’s summertime in Busman’s Harbor, Maine, and the clamming is easy—or it was until a mysterious new neighbor blocks access to the beach, cutting off the Snowden Family Clambake’s supply. Julia Snowden is just one of many townspeople angered by Bartholomew Frick’s decision. But which one of them was angry …