To Kill a Mockingbird

Hardcover, 296 pages

English language

Published July 11, 1960 by Lippincott.

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4 stars (4 reviews)

At the age of eight, Scout Finch is an entrenched free-thinker. She can accept her father's warning that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird, because mockingbirds harm no one and give great pleasure. The benefits said to be gained from going to school and keeping her temper elude her.

The place of this enchanting, intensely moving story is Maycomb, Alabama. The time is the Depression, but Scout and her brother, Jem, are seldom depressed. They have appalling gifts for entertaining themselves — appalling, that is, to almost everyone except their wise lawyer father, Atticus.

Atticus is a man of unfaltering good will and humor, and partly because of this, the children become involved in some disturbing adult mysteries: fascinating Boo Radley, who never leaves his house; the terrible temper of Mrs. Dubose down the street; the fine distinctions that make the Finch family "quality"; the forces that cause …

43 editions

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Orain arte irakurri ditudan liburuekin alderatuta oso ezberdina da hau. Horregatik dezente kostatu zitzaidan erritmoa eta gustua hartzea, 100. orrira arte edo ez nuelako jakin zer kontatu nahi zidan... eta gero ere, antzeko jarraitu du.

Bestelako liburua da, ume baten ikuspegitik dagoelako kontatua. Eta umeek emozioez gidatzen dute beren burua, ez justiziaz, ez gizalegez. Eta horrexegatik kontatzen du egunerokoa, detaile txikienari ere garrantzia emanda; eta, guzti horren artean, helduoi garrantzitsuagoak iruditzen zaizkigunak aipatzen ditu: justizia, arrazakeria, epaiketak, hilketak... baina beti eragiten dizkion emozioetatik abiatuta. Horregatik da bestelakoa liburua hau, eta, azkenean, liburuak horixe kontatu nahi zidala ondorioztatu dut: umetasuna.

Recensione de "Il buio oltre la siepe"

4 stars

Romanzo per giovani adultǝ scorrevole e di forte impatto, ma capisco perché molti americani non apprezzino: vederselo obbligato come libro sul tema razzismo nelle scuole non mi sembra proprio il massimo, visto che se lo si analizza con minuzia cade talvolta nella narrativa del salvatore bianco.

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