Die Ratten im Gemäuer

Eine Horrorgeschichte von H. P. Lovecraft , #4

65 min

German language

Published 2018 by Folgenreich.

3 stars (1 review)

Eine Armee unsichtbarer Ratten sucht einen Herrenhaus-Besitzer heim. Doch das Gebäude seiner Ahnen birgt ein furchtbar erschreckendes Geheimnis!

2 editions


3 stars

Would have probably been a lot more enjoyable if he had named the cat just about anything else. The slow buildup followed by the explosive ending made this a fun read, but I was constantly being pulled out of the story because of it. Finishing this just kind of left me with a bad taste in my mouth where otherwise I would have enjoyed the unnerving feeling of a good horror story.


  • Horror