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Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin: Gott und der Staat (1871) (German language, 1995, Karin Kramer Verlag)

157 pages

German language

Published Jan. 24, 1995 by Karin Kramer Verlag.

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God and the State (called by its author The Historical Sophisms of the Doctrinaire School of Communism) is an unfinished manuscript by the Russian anarchist philosopher Mikhail Bakunin, published posthumously in 1882. The work criticises Christianity and the then-burgeoning technocracy movement from a materialist, anarchist and individualist perspective. Early editions contained rewrites by Carlo Cafiero and Élisée Reclus in order to make the work more poetic in the translated French and due to misreadings, but later translations have attempted to remain more faithful to the original text. It has gone on to become Bakunin's most widely read and praised work.

32 editions


  • Atheism
  • Controversial literature
  • Anarchism
  • Christianity