504 pages

Català language

Published by Edicions del Periscopi.

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4 stars (2 reviews)

En Peter i l’Ivan són germans, però no sembla que tinguin res en comú. El primer és un advocat carismàtic instal·lat a la trentena, que aparenta tenir-ho tot sota control però que depèn de la medicació per superar la mort del pare i gestionar les seves relacions amoroses. El segon és un jugador d’escacs professional que sempre s’ha considerat un inadaptat social, l’antítesi del seu frívol germà i que, poc després de l’enterrament del pare, s’embarca en una relació apassionada amb una dona més gran, la Margaret.

Els dos germans, sumits en el desconcert, encaren un nou interludi: un període de desesperança, desig i possibilitats; una oportunitat per descobrir quanta vida pot contenir un mateix a dins sense esclatar.

Traducció de Ferran Ràfols Gesa

2 editions

Men working through issues about loss and love

4 stars

I pre-ordered this book when I heard it was coming out. It's a little bit different from this author's previous three books in that it focuses mainly on the relationship between two male characters, the brothers Peter and Ivan. The two of them are working through the grief caused by recent death of their father, along with their issues concerning dominance along with a little streak of violence. The main secondary relationships are between the two brothers and their romantic partners. Peter had a long-term relationship end unexpectedly after his girlfriend Sylvia suffered injuries in an accident and current girlfriend Naomi who is about 10 years younger than he. Between the confusion with the two girlfriends and his work stresses and his recent grief he's taken to taking pills and drinking to excess. Younger brother Ivan is a high-ranking chess player who meets a woman during a an exhibition game …

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