Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory

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Martha Wells: Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory (EBook, 2021, Tom Doherty Associates)

eBook, 32 pages

English language

Published April 18, 2021 by Tom Doherty Associates.

4 stars (3 reviews)

“Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory” is a short story set in the world of Martha Well's Murderbot Diaries. This story was originally given free to readers who pre-ordered Network Effect, the fifth entry in the series. The events of “Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory” occur just after the fourth novella, Exit Strategy.

3 editions

Packs a lot into a short story

4 stars

Short story set just after Exit Strategy, showing a tiny slice of Ayda Mensah’s life as she struggles with the traumatic events she’d just lived through.

In a break from the rest of the series so far it’s seen from Mensah’s point-of-view, with Murderbot’s interactions mostly, but not exclusively, via the feed.

Though succinct, it brings added depth to the burgeoning friendship between Mensah and Murderbot. I really liked it.


4 stars

A short, interesting look into the mind of Dr. Mensah who's understandably struggling with all the things that happened to her in the 4 previous novellas. We also get a tiny look into the inner workings of Preservation station and the alliance. Should best be read right after "Exit Strategy" as it's more of an epilogue. Could have been longer and explored some of the themes a bit more but I assume that'll happen in "Network Effect".


  • Fiction
  • Science fiction
  • Short story