Once, Lovelace had eyes and ears everywhere. She was a ship's artificial intelligence system - possessing a personality and very human emotions. But when her ship was badly damaged, Lovelace was forced to reboot and reset. Now housed in an illegal synthetic body, she's never felt so isolated.
But Lovelace is not alone. Pepper, an engineer who risked her life to reinstall Lovelace's program, has remained by her side and is determined to help her.
Review of "A Closed and Common Orbit" by Becky Chambers
5 stars
A well-paced and surprisingly emotional and affecting story that touches on serious themes (like classism, refugees, person-hood, belonging) but not in a heavy-handed way. Fun and well-written, and a solid example of sci fi working both as a good story and as contemporary commentary.
And I loved the first book. This one for me benefitted heavily from having less characters, so you were able to get a better feel for everyone overall and learn about them on a deeper level.
Pepper's background story was great to go through. Even with the time jumps, you felt like you were actively watching her grow and mature in the storyline. It also heavily covers the reasons that Pepper is so keen on people being more accepting of AI as being close enough to human to care about.
Lovey trying to figure out how to be ok being in a body that she did not pick out was an unexpected twist that I would not have thought about. Chambers really made me look at a lot of things from a different angle with this book and that's always a good thing.
My one complaint would likely be that …
And I loved the first book. This one for me benefitted heavily from having less characters, so you were able to get a better feel for everyone overall and learn about them on a deeper level.
Pepper's background story was great to go through. Even with the time jumps, you felt like you were actively watching her grow and mature in the storyline. It also heavily covers the reasons that Pepper is so keen on people being more accepting of AI as being close enough to human to care about.
Lovey trying to figure out how to be ok being in a body that she did not pick out was an unexpected twist that I would not have thought about. Chambers really made me look at a lot of things from a different angle with this book and that's always a good thing.
My one complaint would likely be that the ending just felt a little rushed. I didn't really feel like I was lacking any story, it just felt like a little too much happened in too short of a time.
Really enjoyable, and only the second book in this series. This one follows two characters from the first book, and like the first, devotes good time to their arcs. Unlike the first, the plot moves quicker: it jumps back and forth in time to explore one character’s history.
I think it works as a standalone book, but even better if you read the series. Taking my time to read the next one to prolong it.
Thoroughly enjoyed the worldbuilding and the story, but I felt like I had to do the work to relate to the characters. They both start off at points in their lives that are unique, interesting - and hard to wrap my head around. The author does a great job giving them distinct voices and letting them grow over time, but I just found them too far removed to really get into the book.
The secondary characters, however! I really loved reading about them from the perspectives of the protagonists, and as always, the interactions are wonderfully crafted.
Der Fokus liegt hier auf den zwei Hauptprotagonistinnen, deren Charakterentwicklung und einen konsistenten Handlungsstrang mit merklich steigendem Spannungsbogen. Somit ist der Erzählstil anders, als in Teil eins, dennoch ist das Buch mindestens genauso gut, wenn nicht sogar besser!
Die Story fand ich wunderschön und die Protagonistinnen und die drei Nebencharaktere durch und durch sympathisch und liebenswert. Auch dieses Mal habe ich während des Lesens mehrfach in Emotionen geschwelgt. Wie sehr habe ich mit ihnen mitgefiebert, wie sehr mitgefühlt, wenn sie es schwer hatten, wie sehr ging mir das Herz auf, wenn sie schöne Dinge erlebt hatten.
Und letztere sind zum Glück auch in diesem Teil wieder in der Mehrzahl, auch wenn diesmal ein bisschen häufiger auch etwas bedrückendere Momente stattfinden, was die Bindung an die Charaktere aber umso mehr verstärkt.
Besonders angetan hat es mir Protagonistin Sidra. Nicht nur, weil ich es interessant …
Hach, was für ein wunderbares Buch. 🥰
Der Fokus liegt hier auf den zwei Hauptprotagonistinnen, deren Charakterentwicklung und einen konsistenten Handlungsstrang mit merklich steigendem Spannungsbogen. Somit ist der Erzählstil anders, als in Teil eins, dennoch ist das Buch mindestens genauso gut, wenn nicht sogar besser!
Die Story fand ich wunderschön und die Protagonistinnen und die drei Nebencharaktere durch und durch sympathisch und liebenswert. Auch dieses Mal habe ich während des Lesens mehrfach in Emotionen geschwelgt. Wie sehr habe ich mit ihnen mitgefiebert, wie sehr mitgefühlt, wenn sie es schwer hatten, wie sehr ging mir das Herz auf, wenn sie schöne Dinge erlebt hatten.
Und letztere sind zum Glück auch in diesem Teil wieder in der Mehrzahl, auch wenn diesmal ein bisschen häufiger auch etwas bedrückendere Momente stattfinden, was die Bindung an die Charaktere aber umso mehr verstärkt.
Besonders angetan hat es mir Protagonistin Sidra. Nicht nur, weil ich es interessant fand, einen Großteil der Handlung aus der Sicht einer KI zu erleben. Sondern auch, weil ihre Persönlichkeit einfach lieb und herzlich gezeichnet ist.
Außerdem fand ich es bewegend, mitzuerleben, wie sie sich als empfindungsfähige KI in einem Bodykit unter Organischen anfangs schwer tut, sich in der Situation entwickelt und dabei liebevolle Freundschaften schließt.
Wie schon Band 1 ein wirklich optimistisches und wohltuendes Buch. 😌
More feel-good scifi. (No spoilers:) It's Pepper backstory, and another minor character from A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet. I think this one benefits a lot from taking it slowly and focussing on just two characters.
Review of 'A Closed and Common Orbit' on 'GoodReads'
5 stars
A wonderful sequel
This book went an entirely different direction from the first in the series, yet it was just as enjoyable. My favorite part of the book was the structure in which the two stories were told in parallel, coming together into a great finish. Can't wait for the third one!
Review of 'A Closed and Common Orbit' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
A wonderful sequel
This book went an entirely different direction from the first in the series, yet it was just as enjoyable. My favorite part of the book was the structure in which the two stories were told in parallel, coming together into a great finish. Can't wait for the third one!