L'Amant de lady Chatterley

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David Herbert Lawrence: L'Amant de lady Chatterley (French language, 1993)

French language

Published Dec. 10, 1993

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3 stars (2 reviews)

Lady Chatterley's Lover is a novel by English author D. H. Lawrence that was first published privately in 1928 in Italy and in 1929 in France. An unexpurgated edition was not published openly in the United Kingdom until 1960, when it was the subject of a watershed obscenity trial against the publisher Penguin Books, which won the case and quickly sold three million copies. The book was also banned for obscenity in the United States, Canada, Australia, India and Japan. The book soon became notorious for its story of the physical (and emotional) relationship between a working-class man and an upper-class woman, its explicit descriptions of sex and its use of then-unprintable four-letter words. The story is said to have originated from certain events in Lawrence's own unhappy domestic life, and he took inspiration for the settings of the book from Nottinghamshire, where he grew up. According to some critics, …

11 editions

Jaarittelevaa romanssia ja luokkakuvausta

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En olisi tätä aloittanut, tai varmaan jaksanut loppuun lukea ilman lukupiirin luomaa painetta. En tiennyt kirjasta etukäteen kauheasti muuta kuin maineen kohua herättäneenä sensaatioromanssina, mutta tässähän oli aika paljon kaikkea muutakin taustalla, aina hiilikaivoksissa raatavan työläisluokan kurjan aseman kuvauksesta ensimmäisen maailmansodan aiheuttamaan traumaan ja uuden sodan uhkaan.

Mutta siis aika verkkainen kirja tämä oli. Hahmot vetelivät välillä jaarittelevia keskusteluja ja monologeja, jotka eivät vaikuttaneet kovinkaan luontevilta. Seksikuvaukset eivät toki olleet nyt luettuna kovinkaan riettaan oloisia, ja kesti aika pitkään että kunnon äksöniin edes päästiin, mutta kirjassa oli nätisti sanottuna vanhentuneen oloinen käsitys romantiikasta ja sukupuolisesta kanssakäymisestä.

Review of "Lady Chatterley's Lover" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This review is crossposted from my blog here: daariga.wordpress.com/2017/02/26/lady-chatterleys-lover/

you be able to guess what is at the heart of Lady Chatterley’s Lover by looking at its cover or by knowing about the famous obscenity trial that it caused? D. H. Lawrence published this novel in 1928, both the story and its writing being set in the period after the first World War. The writer had to publish it himself since no one back then would print a book which had so much sex and vulgar language. The novel would be freely published only decades later in the 1960s after winning a court battle in England. A similar court trial ensued in India after that for the book.

The lady in question is Connie, a free-thinking woman married off to the Lord of a coal-mining region. The Lord returns injured from the war, unable to physically love …