
304 pages

Published March 19, 2019 by Tor Books.

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4 stars (4 reviews)

rom New York Times bestselling author Cory Doctorow, Radicalized is four urgent SF novellas of America's present and future within one book

Told through one of the most on-pulse genre voices of our generation, Radicalized is a timely collection consisting of four SF novellas connected by social, technological, and economic visions of today and what America could be in the near, near future.

Unauthorized Bread is a tale of immigration, the toxicity of economic and technological stratification, and the young and downtrodden fighting against all odds to survive and prosper.

In Model Minority, a Superman-like figure attempts to rectifiy the corruption of the police forces he long erroneously thought protected the defenseless...only to find his efforts adversely affecting their victims.

Radicalized is a story of a darkweb-enforced violent uprising against insurance companies told from the perspective of a man desperate to secure funding for an experimental drug that could cure …

5 editions

reviewed Radicalized by Cory Doctorow

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3 stars

Doulle tres estreliñas ⭐ e non catro porque as dúas últimas historias parecéronme algo máis frouxas, pero déixanse ler mentras presentan escenarios non tan improbables.

As dúas primeiras parecéronme mellor compostas, con máis profundidade no relato e os personaxes mellor debuxados.

Fun comentando individualmente cada relato, mira na cronoloxía.

Si, o máis inquientante é que son historias que adquiren verosimilitude hoxe, non a medio prazo.

I still don't understand how encrytion works

4 stars

I went through a brief love affair with Doctorow. But the sweetly clunky how-to-do-X-techie-thing-to-bring-down-Y-bad-guy-slash-system got too clunky for me. And repetitive too.

These short stories were OK though. Maybe he's gotten better, or maybe it's been long enough between my readings. Either way in all his writing, I still don't understand how encryption and private/public keys work (not asking for an explanation).