cities and their denizens
cityscapes Unlisted
Created by emmadilemma
A Burglar's Guide to the City by Geoff Manaugh
Encompassing nearly 2,000 years of heists and tunnel jobs, break-ins and escapes, A Burglar's Guide to the City offers an …
The 99% Invisible City by Kurt Kohlstedt, Roman Mars
99% Invisible is a big-ideas podcast about small-seeming things, revealing stories baked into the buildings we inhabit, the streets we …
Secret Los Angeles by Félicien Cassan, Darrow Carson (Secret Guides)
A concrete jungle surrounded by abundant nature, Los Angeles is surprisingly more than just celebrities, beaches, and theme parks. From …
Mission High by Kristina Rizga
"It's easier for a journalist to embed with the Army than to go behind the scenes at an American public …
Street Fight by Jason Henderson
Faced with intolerable congestion and noxious pollution, cities around the world are rethinking their reliance on automobiles. In the United …
4 stars
The familiar image of Los Angeles as a metropolis built for the automobile is crumbling. Traffic, air pollution, and sprawl …
Unfathomable City by Rebecca Snedeker, Rebecca Solnit
Like the bestselling Infinite City: A San Francisco Atlas, this book is a brilliant reinvention of the traditional atlas, one …
Infinite City by Rebecca Solnit
What makes a place? Infinite City, Rebecca Solnit’s brilliant reinvention of the traditional atlas, searches out the answer by examining …
A Booklover's Guide to New York by Cléo Le-Tan
An illustrated guide to New York City tailored for the book-obsessed explorer showcasing the city's best bookshops; libraries; homes and …
The Very Hungry City by Austin Troy
"As global demand for energy grows and prices rise, a city's energy consumption becomes increasingly tied to its economic viability, …