
reviewed The Terraformers by Annalee Newitz

Annalee Newitz: The Terraformers (EBook, 2023, Tom Doherty Associates) 4 stars

Destry's life is dedicated to terraforming Sask-E. As part of the Environmental Rescue Team, she …

Fun world building, light on plot

3 stars

A fun world, with a story that unfolds across eras, that could have used a stronger plotline.

This felt similar to the Monk & Robot series by Becky Chalmers: Some sort of apocalypse came for humanity, and things worked out for the better (genderfluid, democratic socialism, respected personhood). But then there's still some capitalists around so they don't, kinda. But they also kinda do in the end? I like that it's one book, but it coulda used a couple more chapters.

Not as quirky, given I'd previously read a similar series, and some unexpected, but not much.