Matthew Desmond: Poverty, by America (2023, Crown Publishing Group, The) 4 stars

Review of 'Poverty, by America' on 'Storygraph'

3 stars

This is a fairly short book, and thus far from comprehensive. I was expecting something more similar to Desmond's previous work, Evicted, with more focus on in-depth statistics and interviews with individuals. This definitely utilizes some statistics and historical information, as well as brief anecdotes, but this work feels more like a persuasive essay rather than offering concrete information. While I don't disagree with most of what Desmond says (aside from feeling like the solutions he asks for are a bit too centrist and not nearly radical enough), I also don't feel like I really learned anything new.

If you're relatively new to learning about how poverty affects people in the United States and the various systems involved, as well as possible solutions, this is a solid primer.