
commented on New Jersey Noir by Joyce Carol Oates (Akashic Noir)

Joyce Carol Oates: New Jersey Noir (Hardcover, 2011, Akashic) 3 stars

Akashic Books continues its groundbreaking series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn …

"A Bag For Nicholas", Hirsh Sawhney

Shezad Ansari gets a call from his ex-wife that he can have a job as a musician for a movie if he can make an audition. But Shez decides to make a weed delivery. So many things conspire to make getting to the audition an ordeal.

"Glass Eels", Jeffrey Ford

Len & Marty know a good spot to harvest eels for the black market. They figure a good score will ease their lives.

"Meadowlands Spike", Barry N. Malzberg & Bill Pronzini

A low level mobster decides to come clean about how he killed Jimmy Hoffa and got away with it.

"Kettle Run", Robert Arellano

Ernie and his friend Pervert drive to a secluded place to smoke weed. Keith & Tull, Ernie's dealers, show up looking for missing weed. Interspersed with bits of story about how Ernie got himself into the situation.

Really enjoyed this story too.