Phil in SF finished reading Dinosaurs by Duane T. Gish
And with this book, I think I've added every book I know I've ever finished to, with the exception of Bibles & cookbooks.
When I tell people I attended a fundamentalist Christian school, I was not kidding. "Dinosaurs: Those Terrible Lizards" was assigned reading in elementary school. We were taught that dinosaurs and humans lived together. We were taught that fossils were tricks of the devil to test our faith. They had us read this book to cement the anti-science teaching.
I can't tell you now exactly when I broke away from that. After 8th grade, I transferred to a Jesuit high school. While Christian, the Jesuits are far more science based than the fundamentalists. By my last year of high school, I was clearly not with the original program.
Duane Gish is a creationist who is famous for his nutso views and the Gish Gallop method of debating. Read this book for some really entertaining B.S. about dinosaurs.