Reviews and Comments

Phil in SF

Joined 9 months ago

aka I'm following a lot of bookwyrm accounts, since that seems to be the only way to get reviews from larger servers to this small server. Also, I will like & boost a lot of reviews that come across my feed. Social reading should be social.

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Mary Robinette Kowal: The Lady Astronaut of Mars (EBook, 2014, Tor) 4 stars

Thirty years ago, Elma York led the expedition that paved the way to life on …

probably hits me in the feels because I've read three books in the series already

4 stars

This was originally published in 2012 (as an audio story) and 2013 (as a short story), six years before The Calculating Stars. I think that if I had read it before reading the novels, I would think it a rather banal story of an astronaut reminiscing.

However, because I read it after two novels about Elma York, it hits me in the feels as a coda to a long relationship between Elma and her husband Nathaniel. The series devotes significant words to their domestic relationship, not just to the details of going into space. It's one of the most well written science fictional relationships I've ever read. So reading about their lives nearing their ends means something, even though the story of a relationship at the end is banal in the details.

Jo Walton: Escape to Other Worlds with Science Fiction (EBook, 2009, 4 stars

It's 1960, and the Axis powers dominate the world. Life goes on, because, as we …

Americans under fascism

4 stars

Set in an alternate history where fascism won during World War II and Lindbergh has taken a turn as President of the US. Times are tough for the handful of working class people who appear in the story, and they face temptations trying to get ahead. A few temptations that arise under fascism, where one can get ahead by denouncing others.

Travis Baldree: Goblins & Greatcoats (EBook, Subterranean Press) 3 stars

A goblin with too many pockets and a disturbing affinity for cutlery, a rain-soaked night, …

fantasy murder mystery

4 stars

A goblin enters an inn, stumbling into the scene of a murder. A band of thieves surround two of their own lying dead on the floor. While they don't trust each other, which thief of the group is the one who committed the murders?

Free short story ebook from Subterranean Press.

Viet Thanh Nguyen: The Sympathizer (EBook, 2015, Grove Press) 4 stars

A profound, startling, and beautifully crafted debut novel, The Sympathizer is the story of a …

Moral tension

5 stars

The unnamed narrator is a mole for the Communist North in the South Vietnamese military. Unlike a lot of spy novels, the tension in this book is all about the narrator trying to be two different moral people, not a spy who tries not to be discovered. As a mole, he does terrible things to people on both sides of the conflict. He is also the son of a French man and Vietnamese woman, which brings its own tension. After they evacuate and become refugees in the U.S., he has to negotiate between being Vietnamese and American expectations and views. All of these pull him in brilliantly written fashion in multiple directions. It's rare that I get this engaged with a book where the tension is primarily internal, but it pulled me in so much I missed a Muni stop even. There's a few scenes of action, but the tough …

Tade Thompson: Immortal, Invisible (EBook, 2024, Subterranean Press) 5 stars

Robin Hearns has been kidnapped. Or murdered. Or kidnapped and murdered.

He isn’t sure.

What …

glad i didn't read the description

5 stars

Robin wakes up in a cabin in a pastoral compound. He's been kidnapped by a hitman (Buki) who claims to disappear his victims instead of kill them like he's been contracted, because he doesn't like killing.

I loved this story because Thompson lets the reader discover what's happening as his characters discover it. Things are weird enough to be intriguing but not so out there that I couldn't make any sense of it.

The description on the Subterranean Press web site (where this ebook can be downloaded for free) is a bit too spoilery for me, so I'm glad I didn't read it before downloading.

reviewed The Last Emperox by John Scalzi (The Interdependency, #3)

John Scalzi: The Last Emperox (EBook, 2020, Tor Books) 3 stars

The collapse of The Flow, the interstellar pathway between the planets of the Interdependency, has …

I knew this would be awful

2 stars

I knew this would be awful. I was not wrong.

It's the same damn problem as the previous book in the series. Every character is too damn clever for their own good. Most characters are paper-thin schemers. The whole basis of the story is just predicting whether an incident will be a double cross or a triple cross or a quadruple cross. "Aha! I anticipated you would double cross so I have taken the liberty of triple crossing you!" Then there is the nature of some of the artificial intelligences that are characters. Specifically that these AI characters pepper every conversation with meta-discussion on the nature of their existence. "I, an AI, am sorry for your loss. Am I actually sorry or am I just programmed to say that? We must discuss the nature of this at every utterance of a pleasantry."

This series, particularly the second and third books, …

Cat Rambo: Clockwork Fairies (EBook, 2010, 4 stars

Desiree feels the most at home with her clockwork creations, but Claude worries about all …

Steampunk, fairies, and steampunk fairies

4 stars

Remember back in the late aughts/early teens when steampunk was all the rage? This was published on (with a free epub download) in October 2010.

Claude Stone is affianced to Desiree Southland, the mixed race daughter of an English lord. Claude's views are not so great: "I knew Lord Southland disapproved of me, although his antipathy puzzled me. If he hoped to marry off his mulatto daughter, I was his best prospect. Not many men were as free of prejudice as I was."

Desiree is enamored of building clockwork devices. Claude does not share her interest, but allows that he can indulge her fancies. However, Lord Tyndall is quite keen to see Desiree Southland's clockwork fairies.

Rambo really nails the personality of a certain type of performative ally in just a few words and pages.

reviewed A Wanted Man by Lee Child (Jack Reacher, #17)

Lee Child: A Wanted Man (EBook, 2012, Delacorte) 2 stars

Hitching a ride to Virginia in a car with three strangers, Jack Reacher finds himself …

Am I on the downward slide part of the Reacher series?

2 stars

Set immediately after the caper in Worth Dying For, which was set immediately after the events of 61 Hours. Reacher tries to hitchhike to Virginia to meet with the agent whose voice he likes whose name I've forgotten. Except the people who pick him up are involved in some criminal conspiracy, which Reacher figures out pretty quickly. The FBI is behaving hinky too.

The setup makes very little sense. Half-assed conspiracies within half-assed conspiracies. About ⅔ of the way through (by the reckoning of my Kobo), the author stops trying to maintain the house of cards and just transitions into the end-game where it's mostly shooting.

The whole thing is very slapdash. Now I'm wondering if the series is slowly sliding toward craptasticness. I'm really hoping there's a bright spot or two or I'll have to find a new series for my palate cleansing.

reviewed Deep Down by Lee Child (Jack Reacher, #16.5)

Lee Child: Deep Down (EBook, 2012, Delacorte) 3 stars

Summoned by Military Intelligence to Washington, D.C., Reacher is sent undercover. The assignment that awaits …

Reacher's assignment is to find the mole

3 stars

Someone is leaking specs for a new sniper rifle. Because of a highly contrived setup, the Army has to call Reacher in to wine and dine the 4 female suspects without them knowing he's undercover. A prequel story set before Reacher leaves the Army and becomes the drifter that moves through most of the books.

Ernest Poole: His Family (EBook, 2021, Standard Ebooks) 2 stars

Roger Gale, a media-monitoring business owner nearing retirement, observes life in early 20th century New …

Could not get excited about His Family

2 stars

Roger Gale has three daughters, a traditional married homebody, a free spirit who gallavants around the world, and a driven professional. Most of His Family is Roger either thinking about his daughters and what they should do, or trying to talk them into doing what he thinks they should do. Only Deborah, the professional who wants to improve the lives of New York's tenement dwellers, is interesting. And there only when the story doesn't veer into the possibility of her getting married and living the more traditional life that Roger wants her to. Plodding and dreary.