The topic is presented by a bunch of rules and examples. The whole content is entertaining and many passages made me smile a lot. I have enjoyed the style very much.
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nkodyunya rated Pale blue dot: 5 stars
nkodyunya rated Thinking Functionally with Haskell: 5 stars
nkodyunya rated V internete kto-to neprav!: 3 stars
V internete kto-to neprav! by Asi͡a Kazant͡seva (Corpus -- 362)
nkodyunya rated Grad obrechennyy: 4 stars
nkodyunya reviewed Mathematical writing by Donald Knuth
Review of 'Domain Modeling Made Functional: Tackle Software Complexity with Domain-Driven Design and F#' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Very beginner-friendly exposition of DDD concepts with examples written in F#. Everything begins from scratch so no prerequisites required.
nkodyunya reviewed More effective C♯ by Bill Wagner
1984 by George Orwell
Parti’nin dünya görüşü, onu hiç anlayamayan insanlara çok daha kolay dayatılıyordu. (...) Her şeyi yutuyorlar ve hiçbir zarar görmüyorlardı çünkü …
nkodyunya rated Портрет Дориана Грея ; Рассказы: 4 stars
Review of 'Toshnota' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
I'm confused with the content. The environment descriptions are odd. The problem of existence doesn't make sense unless you are bored enough to reflect on the meaning of life. The author is sad because his girlfriend Annie has broken with him. (Probably Annie has got a mental illness, i couldn't get it.) Then the depressive mind tries to find the answer for a question that has never been asked.
I rate it 2/5 instead of 1/5 for the word "penis" in it.
nkodyunya rated Stepnoj volk: 3 stars
Solaris by Stanisław Lem,
The cult-classic by Stanislaw Lem that spawned the movie is now available for your Kindle! Until now the only English …