resipiscent reviewed Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood
Father Greg Lockwood is unlike any Catholic priest you have ever met, a man who …
Review of 'Priestdaddy' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
What people who fawn over the faux-shock humor of Fleabag really desire except they can't shut off their nTVlive. Lockwood is a once in a generation wit, the millenial's Mark Twain. True wit requires unique insight, rich prosody and compelling narrative. Priestdaddy has all that in abundance. While memoir has it's limits, a whole lot of time spent with a single voice, in Lockwood's confinement her brain proves priestdaddy to her soul and no thought is contented. Her best writing has appeared in the LRB and The Awl but this memoir is funny as hell and not to be missed.