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soaproot Books

Joined 1 year ago

I'll be honest, my reading is often in much shorter chunks than books, but I'll try to get a few of my math or other books on here. For microblogging I'm at

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soaproot Books's books

Currently Reading

Judith Jones, Evan Jones: The Book of Bread (Hardcover, 1982, Harper & Row) 5 stars

Comprehensive guide to many kinds of bread

5 stars

I saw a photo online of a pumpkin sourdough bread and I could more or less envisage how the recipe would go but checked this book just to be sure. Sure enough, the book had a recipe similar to what I was thinking, suggested it could be made with parsnips instead of pumpkins (which I might try sometime, not something I would have even thought of), and suggested adding nutmeg (which is perhaps slightly more obvious, but a nice prompt). And that's just one of 240 recipes.

Mike Duncan: Hero of Two Worlds (Hardcover, 2021, PublicAffairs) 5 stars

Having already listened to the Revolutions podcast (from the same author), the most interesting part of the book for me was the period between the fall of Napolean and the revolution of 1830. This period is often seen as a quiet interlude between major events, and I suppose in some way it is, but this book makes it clear that the struggle between liberals and conservatives in France was actively underway then and Lafayette was in the middle of a decent amount of it. Of course the book covers the rest of Lafayete's life too but that period was the most fascinating for me.