Reviews and Comments


Joined 4 months, 3 weeks ago

28 year-old white queer lady in San Francisco. Knitter, transit geek, and sometime editor and cyclist. Planting peas and potatoes to prefigure an anarchist future. I listen to a lot of nonfiction audiobooks.

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Jeffrey Cranor, Joseph Fink: The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home (Hardcover, 2020, Harper Perennial) 4 stars

In the town of Night Vale, there’s a faceless old woman who secretly lives in …

better without the WTNV connection

4 stars

Content warning mild plot spoilers, mostly about timeframe and location

reviewed Behold Her by Emily Antoinette (Monsters of Moonvale, #1)

Emily Antoinette: Behold Her (EBook, 2023) 4 stars

A woman who dreams of more…

I’m having a hard time. And no, that's sadly …

Fluffy and spicy

No rating

I enjoyed this one! I've been slogging through a bunch of books recently--not because they're bad or not enjoyable, I'm just in a little bit of a reading slump. And the best cure I know for my reading slumps is a good romance.

Overall I thought this was solid! I liked the characters a lot and their relationship was believable, with realistic conflict. I also appreciated that this had some "darker" spicy elements while still centering consent and a positive relationship. It was refreshing after bouncing off several "dark" or kinkier romances because the MMC gave me massive ick because he's just a terrible person (and not even in a fun way!).

I also appreciated that these characters felt whole and complete on their own even outside their romance. They have friends and families who play important roles in their stories and development, which is nice to see in a …

Charles Belfoure: House of Thieves (2015) 2 stars

In 1886 New York, a respectable architect should have no connection to the gang that …

this book is proof that good editors matter

2 stars

Content warning spoilers abound

commented on House of Thieves by Charles Belfoure

Charles Belfoure: House of Thieves (2015) 2 stars

In 1886 New York, a respectable architect should have no connection to the gang that …

ah yes, just got to a part where one of the main characters was paid “the highest compliment a whore can pay—she had sex with him without compensation in her off hours.” :|

Gonna give this another couple chapters and then probably dump it. The writing is decent overall, I just don’t have fun reading books by this specific breed of old white guy

Charles Belfoure: House of Thieves (2015) 2 stars

In 1886 New York, a respectable architect should have no connection to the gang that …

Content warning cw for mention of pedophilia

David Wallace-Wells: The Uninhabitable Earth (Paperback, 2019, Penguin) 3 stars

It is worse, much worse, than you think. If your anxiety about global warming is …

there are better climate books out there

2 stars

I gave this a 2.5 on StoryGraph but I'm rounding down here because it really wasn't very good.

I think I've just read too many climate books the past few years, but this did nothing for me. Don't feel like I learned much about climate change or how to deal with it. If you're thinking about picking this up. The Heat Will Kill You First, The Treeline, A Poison Like No Other (which is technically about plastics but touches on how that relates to climate change), Kings of the Yukon, Eager: The Surprising Secret Life of Beavers, or even Islands of Abandonment or Saving Tarboo Creek all do a much better job of discussing climate change and its effects, often with more interesting and concrete science and research to back it all up, and compelling possible solutions.