Dysmorphia rated Fractions: 4 stars

I like to read science fiction, fantasy, poetry, philosophy, romance, and sometimes big-L literature. I'm on Mastodon at sfba.social/@dys_morphia I have a blog where I sometimes write book reviews rinsemiddlebliss.com/tags/book-review/
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The title story, The Moon Moth, is brilliant and has aged very well. I reviewed the story on my blog in detail rinsemiddlebliss.com/posts/2023-05-12-review-moon-moth-rose-house/
The other stories vary in both in how creative they are and how well they have aged--by which I mean mostly are they unthinkingly reproducing early 20th century American ideas of a family, social structure, and gender roles. Dodkin's Job was fun, and The Men Return was one of the fucking weirdest thought experiments I've read in a while. I still think the main reason to buy this book is to have your own copy of the brillinant and perfect title story, The Moon Moth.
Geralt is a witcher, a man whose magic powers, enhanced by long training and a mysterious elixir, have made him …
The Wizards Guild has been shattered by a coup and, in the uproar, Geralt was seriously injured. The Witcher is …
Geralt is a witcher: guardian of the innocent; protector of those in need; a defender, in dark times, against some …
The collection contains seven short stories interspersed with a continuing frame story: Geralt of Rivia, after having been injured in …
Her city is under siege. The zombies are coming back. And all Nona wants is a birthday party. In many …
"She answered the Emperor's call.
She arrived with her arts, her wits, and her only friend.
In victory, her world …
Worn out after decades of packing steel and raising hell, Viv the orc barbarian cashes out of the warrior’s life …
"Sci-Fi's favorite antisocial AI is back on a mission. The case against the too-big-to-fail GrayChris Corporation is floundering, and more …
It has a dark past—one in which a number of humans were killed. A past that caused it to christen …
Welcome to the sunlit uplands of the 21st century! Britain's avuncular Prime Minister is an ancient eldritch god of unimaginable …