Reviews and Comments

Phil in SF

Joined 1 year, 1 month ago

aka I'm following a lot of bookwyrm accounts, since that seems to be the only way to get reviews from larger servers to this small server. Also, I will like & boost a lot of reviews that come across my feed. I will follow most bookwyrm accounts back if they review & comment. Social reading should be social.

2024 In The Books

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Charlie Jane Anders, Enid Balám, Elisabeta D'Amico, Matt Milla: New Mutants Lethal Legion (GraphicNovel, 2024, Marvel Worldwide) 2 stars

Unable to follow

2 stars

I'm rating this quite low, but you might rate it quite a bit higher. I like Charlie Jane Anders's writing and I wanted to see if I would still enjoy a superhero comic 35 years after I purchased my last superhero book.

Unfortunately, I don't know any of the characters, their powers, their relationships or anything. Everything just felt super chaotic to me, and I struggled to follow anything.

It may not be 35 years before my next attempt, but if I do, it'll have to be something different than this.

Kate Winkler Dawson: American Sherlock (AudiobookFormat, 2020, Penguin Audio) 3 stars

From the acclaimed author of Death in the Air comes the riveting story of the …

Solid biography of E.O. Heinrich, early forensic investigator

3 stars

Lots of retellings of the cases Heinrich participated in, both from both sides of the prosecutorial divide. Heinrich comes off as an insecure person who is dedicated to the truth. It feels a bit like copaganda, because there's no discussion of Heinrich ever getting anything wrong. And we know that forensics often embraced junk science (as the Epilogue covers). The one case discussed in the book about his embrace of blood spatter analysis (which is mostly junk science), was that of David Lampson, and Heinrich sided with the defense there. But he did thousands of cases. As a portrait of early forensic investigation, it's good though.

Hiroshi Mitsumoto: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Paperback, 2009, Demos Health) 5 stars

ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, cannot be cured but it can be treated. …


5 stars

Another old review I'm posting publicly:

In 2009, a new edition of the book came up for review on LibraryThing’s Early Reviewers program. While too late to be of use to me, I was still interested in reading it. Most everything I learned about A.L.S. I learned by word of mouth from the A.L.S.A. folks or other patients and their families. Would a book on A.L.S. really have the goods? Robert G. Miller’s Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis was quite good, but it didn’t have the depth to really prepare me for the day to day miserableness that A.L.S. turned out to be for our family. I didn’t know that at the time I read the book, of course. But it’s an excellent starting point.

Hiroshi Mitsumoto’s guide covers A.L.S. with about as much depth as is possible in a book of this size. It’s breadth is amazing as well. The sheer …

Vox Day: Opera Vita Aeterna (EBook, 2014, Castalia House) 1 star

Worst Hugo finalist ever

1 star

Content warning Spoiler alert just in case you really really really want to read this dreck and don't want the ending revealedd

reviewed Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty (The Midsolar Murders, #1)

Mur Lafferty: Station Eternity (EBook, 2022, Ace) 3 stars

Amateur detective Mallory Viridian’s talent for solving murders ruined her life on Earth and drove …

I dislike schmozz

2 stars

This starts off fairly well, but along the way gets messier and messier with more characters and confusing plots and motivation and in the end there's a big poorly described fight scene.

commented on Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty (The Midsolar Murders, #1)

Mur Lafferty: Station Eternity (EBook, 2022, Ace) 3 stars

Amateur detective Mallory Viridian’s talent for solving murders ruined her life on Earth and drove …

The premise is that Mallory Viridian solves murders, but mostly because wherever she goes people keep getting murdered. The receptionist while she's at her therapist. A parishioner while she's giving confession. etc.

This makes me think immediately of how cozy mysteries have outsized numbers of murders for small towns. or how major crime figures always seem to conduct major murderous operations that just happen around Jack Reacher.

is Lafferty satirizing those stories? imma bout to find out.

reviewed The Traitor by Ava Glass (Alias Emma, #2)

Ava Glass: The Traitor (EBook, 2023, Bantam) 3 stars

British spy Emma Makepeace goes undercover on a Russian oligarch’s superyacht, where she’s one wrong …

The 1st Emma Makepeace book was better

3 stars

The first Emma Makepeace book was a race to safety across a night time London landscape. This one is a more standard over-the-top spy thriller. Emma is sent undercover to serve drinks on the yacht of a Russian oligarch suspected of selling weapons. She's to find out who the oligarchs partners are and what they are up to.

A mostly fun book, but I did grow a little tired of Emma Makepeace ignoring the Agency's many directives to get out or not engage, lest she put herself in too much danger. "But I'm the only one who can find out!" so she sneaks in the hotel where the oligarch is going to meet. Or she goes to an oligaarch party after some of them might recognize her. You can plot an agent going against the book once or twice, but after that it starts to feel like lazy writing.

reviewed 61 Hours by Lee Child (Jack Reacher, #14)

Lee Child: 61 Hours (EBook, 2010, Delacorte) 3 stars

Jack Reacher is back. The countdown has begun. Get ready for the most exciting 61 …

The title doesn't have a lot to do with the plot

3 stars

Another very standard Reacher novel. Stranded in Bolton South Dakota, Reacher stumbles into a case against a biker gang that's been manufacturing meth in an abandoned military facility west of town. A witness has stepped forward willing to testify to seeing a biker hand over a brick of meth. The town has to keep her safe until the trial.

The complicating factor is that, like many rural towns in the western US, Bolton bid for and won the site of a massive prison complex. And if the prison has a riot or an escape, every single member of the Bolton police department is to drop whatever they are doing and assist the prison. Even if what they are doing is protecting a witness under threat. The cops can't protect her, but Reacher can. Or should be able to. Can he keep her alive the approximately 61 hours until she needs …

R. F. Kuang: Babel (EBook, 2022, Harper Voyager) 4 stars

From award-winning author R. F. Kuang comes Babel, a thematic response to The Secret History …

Up and down

4 stars

In the world of Babel, magic works by inscribing similar words onto bars of silver which manifests the difference between the words as spells. What works really great are words in translation, because few translated words have exactly the same meaning.

Babel is the story of Robin Swift, a Chinese orphan with a talent for languages who is brought to England by an professor of translation. China forbids the teaching of Chinese to foreigners, so the British Empire steals young Chinese boys to provide words in translation. It's incredibly exploitative, and Robin starts to learn just what his purpose is meant to be.

As the subtitle implies, Robin gets caught up in opposition to Oxford's use of translators powering of empire. But he also really likes the creature comforts that come with being one favored by the British Empire and would really like to keep those. Can an empire be …

Thomas W. Jones: Mastering Genealogical Proof (EBook, 2013, National Genealogical Society) 4 stars

Mastering Genealogical Proof teaches family historians and genealogists how to reconstruct the relationships and lives …

Best on elements 1, 3, & 4 of the GPS

4 stars

Like Mastering Genealogical Documentation, this is a useful but frustrating "textbook". As for helpful information, it's very useful explaining a reasonably exhaustive search, analysis & correlation, and resolving conflict. The information on citation isn't bad, but read his Mastering Genealogical Documentation book instead. The chapter on writing a solidly reasoned argument leaves a lot to be desired. Granted, that topic could & should be the subject of an entire book by itself. Jones writes in his usual pedantic, wordy style that made it a lot harder for me to slog my way through.