John wants to read The Dark Tower I by Stephen King (Dark Tower (1))

The Dark Tower I by Stephen King (Dark Tower (1))
Join the quest for the elusive Dark Tower
This newly revised and expanded edition of The Gunslinger; for …
Pronouns: he/him
Just a guy floating around the fediverse, hoping to read some fun stuff along the way. Check out my mastodon too:
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8% complete! John has read 1 of 12 books.
Join the quest for the elusive Dark Tower
This newly revised and expanded edition of The Gunslinger; for …
While a bit slow, it’s clear how this book sets the stage for later science fiction. The descriptions and language are vivid and compelling; I’d recommend this read to anyone looking for classic SciFi!
Wicked is a revisionist exploration of the characters and setting of the 1900 novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by …
Dalinar Kholin challenged the evil god Odium to a contest of champions with the future of Roshar on the line. …
Referenced in chapter 28 of the systems bible
Content warning How not to solve problems
In the face of [problems that are not simple], persistence in information gathering is not uncommonly used as a means of not dealing with a problem
— The Systems Bible by John Gall (Page 117)
This is, perhaps, the most common tool I’ve observed for delaying software work
Two time-traveling agents from warring futures, working their way through the past, begin to exchange letters—and fall in love in …
Content warning Section D 20
In contrast, a poorly–functioning system begins to generate increasing numbers of messages, often shaped around such questions as “what went wrong?“, “How far along is task X? “, And especially, “why don’t we have better feedback? “ As a system sinks deeper and deeper into the morass of unfinished tasks, the business of exchanging messages expands, exponentially, until at last the non-functioning system is completely occupied with its own internal communication processes.
— The Systems Bible by John Gall (Page 105 - 106)
Content warning Section D 19
Every picture tells the story – but not the same story. … The meaning of a communication is the behavior that results.
— The Systems Bible by John Gall (Page 100)
Well, simple and it’s construction. This fact has taken me nearly all my 30 years to understand, and I’m not quite convinced that I have finished.